A step-by-step guide to develop and execute an industry-driven and standardized DET program.

Stakeholder Capacity

DET program partners from the academe, local industry, and local government units have the relevant knowledge to successfully implement the DET program.


Train stakeholders to understand their roles and be able to deliver on their responsibilities within the DET process.

Training and orientation measures, including expected outputs, are:

  • Orientation of DET Stakeholders
    Using the Industry Immersion Guidebook, stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities in each distinct phase of a DET program.
  • Training of In-Company Trainers (In-CT)
    The In-Company Trainer is key to ensuring quality training in the company. S/he supervises and mentors the DET students during their time in the company. S/he develops the in-company training plan – aligned with the school’s curriculum – and ensures the learning progress among students in the company.
  • Training of DET Assessors
    An industry-led assessment of DET students at the end of their training ensures the quality of a DET Program. Assessors must be trained and certified to guarantee the competent, objective, and unbiased delivery of the assessment.


DET implementing partners understand their roles and responsibilities before, during, and after the Training Proper of Learners.

In-Company Trainers are certified and an in-company training plan is developed based on the enhanced school curriculum – jointly developed between school and company – including company-specific skills.


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    Industry Immersion Guidebook

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    This is a blueprint for schools and their industry partners to implement the DET approach as a unique delivery mode in the TVL tracks of SHS. It defines the school’s and companies’ roles and responsibilities before, during, and after students’ industry immersion.

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    Standardized Forms for Industry Immersion

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    These forms support student deployment to companies for industry immersion and help monitor their learning progress.