Training and

Ensure that stakeholders are equipped to implement a DET program based on quality-ensuring standards.


Identify the different partners in the DET implementation process that are required to be trained and certified to safeguard the quality of the DET program implementation and the certification of its graduates.

Using the Guidebook on Developing Income-generating Services for Local Chambers, the chambers promote and conduct the following trainings associated with the development and implementation of a DET program.

In-Company Trainer Training

This training provides techniques for instructors supervising the in-company training part of a DET program. As the company becomes the extended classroom for learners, their proper mentoring in the company is ensured through a trained and certified in-company trainer. Depending on the stakeholders, the standard for in-company training (Ausbildung der Ausbilder) promoted by the German Chambers Abroad or the standard for ASEAN countries promoted by GIZ might be more suitable. Both are based on the German ordinance on aptitude of instructors (Ausbildereignungsverordnung or AEVO).

The training consists of four modules:

  1. Analyzing Work Tasks and Defining Learning Requirements
  2. Planning and Preparing the Training
  3. Conducting Training
  4. Evaluation and Further Development of Training

Local chambers with access to an accredited trainer can offer this 4-module training in two different ways:

  1. A 5-day face-to-face classroom training followed by a 1-day written and practical assessment.
  2. A self-paced E-learning module (equivalent to a 3-day training content) and a 2-day face-to-face classroom training, followed by a 1-day written practical assessment.

Benefits of an In-Company Trainer

  • Increased and efficient productive contribution of new employees;
  • Savings on recruitment and adjustment costs;
  • Lowered chances of the wrong appointment of staff;
  • Institutionalized re-generation of staff; and
  • Attractiveness to potential employees and clients.

A certificate of completion is awarded to successful training participants. At least one certified In-Company Trainer is required per company partaking in a DET program.

Assessor Training

To ensure the credibility of a DET program, learners undergo an industry-led assessment before receiving a Qualification Certificate issued by the chamber. This requires trained and certified assessors.

The Assessors Training covers the key principles, guidelines, and processes related to the assessment of Basic Qualification Certification (BQC) and Advanced Qualification Certification (AQC). Company-representatives learn how, as assessors, they prepare and conduct the competency assessment of learners.


Advocacy for quality standards within a DET program and qualified DET stakeholders that can support the implementation of a DET program.

Training and Certification can be an additional source of income for the local chambers/ industry associations to sustain DET activities.


Training Proper
of Learners



  • Icon

    ASEAN In-Company Training Standard and Modules

    1.20 MB    pdf    Download

    This publication explores the ASEAN In-Company Training Standard. It contains the four main training modules, the corresponding skills to be taught, and a trainer guide including evaluation of participants' learning process.

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    In-Company Promotion PPT

    3.32 MB    pptx    Download

    This presentation communicates the benefits of an In-Company Trainer Training. The target audience is companies that are interested to join a DET program.

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    Assessors Orientation PPT

    15.14 MB    pptx    Download

    This presentation explains the rationale for an assessment within a DET program. It explains the assessment formats for each, the Basic and Advanced Qualification Certificate.

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    Guidebook on Developing Income-Generating Services for Chambers

    620.47 KB    pdf    Download

    This guidebook intends to help chambers and industry associations identify and develop income-generating Human Resource Development (HRD) services such as developing and conducting training and seminars, and assessment and certification.